UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
What is the Rights Respecting School Award?
The Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is an initiative run by UNICEF UK, which encourages schools to place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the heart of its ethos and curriculum.
To achieve this award, staff, parents and pupils need to have an understanding of the Articles which make up the Convention and know how they can use these articles in their daily lives.
For further information, please see
To enable school to achieve this award, we will be:
What are the Articles?
How can it make a difference?
The Unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools Award supports schools across the UK to embed children’s human rights in their ethos and culture.
The Award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s practice to improve well-being and help all children and young people realise their potential.
The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. The initiative started in 2006 and schools involved in the Award have reported a positive impact on relationships and well-being, leading to better learning and behaviour, improved academic standards and less bullying.
What are we doing at Beeches Junior School?
We are reaching for the stars and going for the Gold award. To achieve this gold status, we must:
We currently look at different articles for daily starter and discuss how they impact us and children around the world. The articles will also be incorporated into our PSHE sessions to enable a thorough discussion and understanding. It is also really important for children to discuss these articles with a grown-up at home to promote a deeper knowledge throughout our school community.