
Welcome to our website, where I hope you will find plenty of useful information. Beeches Junior School is a three-form entry school for children in Years 3 to 6, on a shared site with Perry Beeches Nursery School, Beeches Infant school, Perry Beeches - The Academy and Priestley Smith School.

We are a vibrant, inclusive school where everyone strives to do their very best. At Beeches, our children are happy and safe, and they achieve well. Our motto is Aspire, Believe, Strive, Achieve, and this is reflected in all we do. Our vision statement explains more about what this means for us.

Our children come from a wide range of backgrounds, and we are proud of all of them. Our most recent Ofsted report (January 2018) says, “Relationships between pupils, staff and parents and carers are extremely positive.  Staff take time to get to know the pupils as individuals. As a result, pupils feel valued and they love coming to school.”

If you want to know more about us, please get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

Mr. Mike Smart
